A little bit about me...

I am a second degree seeking student at the University of South Alabama. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from 2003. I am currently seeking a second Bachelors, senior status, in Special Education. My desire to seek a second degree is to assure each child has an advocate and to become more involved with the needs of my own special needs six year old boy. I have been in the Alabama Educational System since 2003. I taught one year in Conecuh County at Lyeffion Jr. High School under the administration of Diana Lyons, 2003-2004. I taught one year in the Monroe County School System at Monroeville Junior High under the administration of Lana Wilson, 2004-2005. I am currently in the Mobile County System and have been since 2007. I currently work under Title 1 and currently under the administration of Joe Toomey.


I see it as a necessity to allow life to imitate art. The curriculum my class and I discuss will be related to actual life experiences. This will enable my class to feel comfortable amongst each other and to assure each other that no one person problem is single. Other classmates are experiencing very similar difficulties whether it is academic or personal. Having life issues is just life. The difficulties of life will not go away and if anything situations will magnify. I believe if you mold children early to except their imperfections and life circumstances you will incorporate stronger humane beings. "Better out than in!"